- What is Freemasonry? A fraternity of men dedicated to building the moral character of its members and the preservation of personal freedom.
- Is Masonry a religion? No. Every applicant must express a belief in a Supreme Being to whom all men are accountable, but no particular religious affiliation is required
- When did Masonry start? Informally Masonry started many centuries ago, but formally it began in 1717 in London England.
- How many degrees are there in Masonry? There are three degrees in Masonry which are Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason.
- How long does it take for one to become a Mason? Typically, about six months in Tennessee
- Is memory work required? Yes.
- Are there annual dues? Yes
- How much are the annual dues? Each lodge sets their annual dues but the average in Tennessee is $65.
- How does a man become a Mason? Since Masons cannot solicit members, the first step in becoming a Mason is to ask a member of a local lodge for a petition, complete it, and submit the petition with the signature of two members of that lodge to the lodge for consideration. All petitions must receive 100% approval when voted on by the lodge. After this the man submitting the petition will be notified and a time will be set for his initiation, or his money returned if he is rejected. How Can I Become A Freemason ?
- What is a Shriner? A Shriner is a Mason who has affiliated with the Shrine Organization of America, another appendant organization of Masonry.